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Volunteer as a Friend of the Foundation!

Become a Friend of the Foundation Today!

The Santa Fe Texas Education Foundation CULTIVATES and NURTURES the culture of generosity in our community, IGNITES exemplary experiences for every student and teacher, and INSPIRES the achievement of lifelong success.

Passion. That’s the common attribute of those who volunteer in our organization.

Consider growing with us!

We are dedicated to helping the students in Santa Fe ISD have the best possible educational experiences by providing the teachers and educators with the materials they need for their classroom and to take education to the next level.

Get involved as a volunteer through our "Friends of the Foundation" program on any one of our committees. Our Friends of the Foundation will have the opportunity to apply to become a Board Member when opportunities arise.

If you’re ready to make a difference in the classrooms in Santa Fe ISD, then become a Friend of the Foundation today! 

Cultivate. Nurture. Ignite. Inspire.