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Rally 'Round the Bus

The Indian Innovation Lab will be here as a blank canvas for all to see! Come out, participate, and interact with our dynamic STEM Team here in Santa Fe ISD through hands-on stations that may mimic what we will use on the bus!

Your feedback is invaluable. You may be in an industry and have a great idea that you would like to share, that we would like to hear.

This project will bring enthusiasm to the entire community as it rolls through town, going from campus to campus, or from park to park, sharing the great resources that will be funded with YOUR support. It is with the utmost gratitude that we wish to thank our sponsors who have made it possible to get to this point: Valero Texas City Refinery, The Kathleen Cailloux Family Foundation, HEB Tournament of Champions, Center Point Energy, Knights of Columbus, and an anonymous donor.

We have sponsorship opportunities with some including logo placement on the bus, along with a list of great benefits with your sponsorship. Please join us and consider joining this list of sponsors!

For more information: